How drones can revolutionise humanitarian action in Kenya
The Kenya Red Cross Society set up a Remotely PIloted Aircraft System unit in early 2019.
Discover the best practices in digital and technological products that respond to vulnerabilities and social needs.
Mes Infos Bébé is a website that supports parents of children from 0 to 3 years old. It provides interactive and diverse content - images, videos, infographics, etc.- realised by early childhood professionals from the RED Cross network, making the early childhood expertise clearer and accessible to all.
« CRI per le persone » is a project which amis to support social inclusion for the benefit of the most vulnerable people, by providing guidance and facilitating access to social and health services offered by the ITRC Local Branches and other public and private entities.
The TÖD (Team Österreich Digital) is a smartphone application that allows better interaction with citizens and promotes their engagement in emergency situations facilitating the management of spontaneous volunteers.
The Community Inclusion Currencies project is a blockchain-based initiative launched by the Kenyan Red Cross in partnership with the Grassroots economic foundation to strengthen the resilience of marginalized communities by reducing liquidity shortages.