
Austrian Red CrossIncome-Generating Activity

REDpreneur: Building Resilient Social Enterprises for the Future

REDpreneur offers business skills and enterprise development support to the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and beyond for more impact, innovation and sustainable service delivery. This global program by the Austrian Red Cross (AutRC) provides social entrepreneurship trainings, mentoring and networking in both online and hybrid formats, empowering staff and volunteers from RCRC National Societies (NS), local NGOs and entrepreneurs.

Illustration: Pau Gasol Valls
French Red CrossIncome-Generating ActivityWorking together

Third Places, the territorial strategy of the French Red Cross

Halfway between the home and the workplace, the third place is a place of conviviality and socialising, where everyone gives and everyone receives. Users co-construct a programme of activities that meet local needs. With the modern-day challenges facing social organisations, the third place appears to be an effective tool for adapting the local capacity of the French Red Cross to these challenges by transforming its local chapters into citizen platforms.

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