Susana Pales
RedRose’s ONEsolution is a data management and payments/distribution platform that offers humanitarian actors the opportunity to manage every step of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and in-kind programming. The system can operate both online and offline. The IT platform helps coordinate operations throughout the project cycle, from beneficiary registration to the delivery of assistance, reconciliation, and reporting. Always ready for an emergency, ONEsolution supports modalities, including the integration of Financial Service Providers, that can be quickly deployed, scaled up, and ensures data security with the latest technology.
In recent decades, humanitarian actors have grappled with the challenges of ensuring transparency, efficiency and bolstering scalability. To better coordinate and ensure optimal resource utilization, humanitarian actors expect/are looking forward? technology to increase the speed, volume, and targeting of aid, while keeping the beneficiary at the centre of delivery.
CVA use is increasing rapidly in the humanitarian and development sector. Organizations have found that it brings a variety of benefits including flexibility, autonomy of choice for beneficiaries, security, and efficiency. It also supports the local economy of affected communities. RedRose’s goal is to facilitate these types of programs in a multi-functional manner that enables team members to work more efficiently and scale up the number of beneficiaries while ensuring that reporting is transparent and data security is maintained.
As the frequency and complexity of disasters and migration emergencies increase, early warning systems and anticipatory action strategies need prioritization. RedRose’s approach to providing anticipatory action focuses on efficient and rapid deployment to mitigate the impact of disasters before they unfold. As early warning systems are leveraged, ONESolution can be instrumental in coordinating programming that minimizes casualties and damage caused by disasters. Furthermore, CVA’s contribution towards near-real-time cash transfers and rapid delivery of assistance, aligns fully with this approach, adapting to several types of projects such as nutrition, financial inclusion, healthcare, mobility, housing, etc.
As we currently navigate this landscape, the strategic integration of technology, transparency, and anticipatory action, ONESolution emerges as a pivotal tool for the future of humanitarian assistance.
Technical details & Operations
RedRose’s ONESolution is an online centralized platform accessible for user administration, recording all program activities, and supporting various program models. Boasting multi-program and multi-actor capabilities with robust data security, it can be used offline in remote areas, synchronizing even in low-bandwidth settings.
The platform includes: management of beneficiaries, vendors and available goods, transaction monitoring and reporting, third-party monitoring integration, multi-step approval processes, analytics and dashboard integration, and audit logs, among other functionalities.
Ready to Act at All Stages of a Crisis
RedRose knows that action in the initial hours of an emergency is critical. Given their experience in tailoring ONESolution to so many different contexts, the platform can be customized and deployed quickly.
RedRose accelerates collaboration opportunities during crises by offering prospective partners zero-commitment global framework contracts. The partnership also includes a dedicated support team available seven days a week, ensuring partners receive expert advice on system architecture to safeguard data and prevent breaches during deployment.
System Architecture: Protecting Data and Minimizing Fraud
The package is adaptable, ensuring scalability without compromising quality. RedRose places a critical emphasis on the security architecture, that safeguards beneficiary data and enhances accountability. the enable real-time tracking of financial disbursements, set alarms for irregular disbursements, and secures data at multiple levels, making their system very donor friendly.
Both ONEplatform and ONEapp include several levels of authority for accessing, modifying data, and performing action. These can be granted on an individual basis to any user, enabling an organisation to control firstly who has access to specific data, secondly who has access to which portion of the system, and finally what actions they can take concerning the data.
Multiple Functions in One SaaS Platform
ONESolution, as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform, also includes feedback mechanisms, attendance tracking, FSP integrations, SMS integrations, and supports cash-for-work programs, which can all be managed locally. Its offline features are accessible through two phone applications:
RRCollect: an Android app, that integrates survey data for assessments, beneficiary registration, and progress tracking.
ONEapp: an Android app, that facilitates beneficiary transactions for merchants and field staff.
Within the e-voucher modality, a variety of vendors can be included (Cash Agents, Commodity Distributors, Marketplaces, etc). These vendors and their goods are configured in the system to meet programming needs, utilizing parameters to ensure intended assistance to beneficiaries. Parameters include flexible price schemes, hourly limits, multiple currencies, and unit support (e.g., piece/kg).
Each smartcard features a multi-wallet account for transferring currency and in-kind values. When lost or stolen, they can be “frozen” online and replaced within 24 hours. This prevents double spending, as the cards can be reformatted for use in another program. Financial tracking from project funds to activity is also possible by connecting funds, activities, sales baskets, and commodities. With ONESolution, programme staff can efficiently manage payment plans, prepare transfers for approval, and download necessary documents for targeted beneficiaries.
Deployment & Impact
ONEsolution has been used in over 54 countries, and has over 110 million beneficiary registration, in such challenging environments like Ukraine, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Afghanistan.
Their tech solutions are used on projects addressing migration, development, disaster response, protection, cash for work, GBV programming, refugee/IDP support, and food assistance.
Their goal is to effectively support and tailor the technology to the organization’s needs and context. One campaign example in Colombia included the use of multi-purpose e-vouchers that can provide accommodation, medical appointments, cash, and in-kind kits for the migrant community coming from Venezuela. This ensures assistance is suited to a context where beneficiaries are very mobile and can acquire goods they need.
Some of their Recent Successes:
- The registration of over 10 million beneficiaries in just one week, facilitated by 46,205 devices. This accomplishment was possible due to the proactive collaboration with different NGOs and the government of Nigeria targeting the spread of malaria through national scale health campaigns.
- The successful rollout of a self-registration app called AccessRC that was developed jointly with the IFRC to assure scalable and efficient assistance in response to the war in Ukraine. This app allowed beneficiaries to self-register and apply for financial assistance in a flexible and accessible modality. In Ukraine, targeted aid could be provided within 23 days of registration.
- Pilot cash distribution in Sudan with their Financial Service Provider CASHI thereby allowing the successful distribution in Khartoum on the 23 August 2023. This positioned RedRose as the first digital market-based solution with an integrated FSP to be able to provide cash assistance in this conflict area with a pilot for displaced and settled communities.
RedRose fully aligns with USAID Digital Strategy 2020 and DG ECHO Humanitarian Digitalisation (2023).