Pau Gasol Valls
Bonjour Henry is the first voice assistant dedicated specifically to the elderly who are losing their independence. The solution was designed and developed in Montpellier, France, within the BIC incubator and accelerated by 21, the accelerator of the French Red Cross.
In 20 years, the active dematerialisation of our society has created a digital divide that has accelerated the loss of autonomy for 8 million people in France. Seniors are the first victims and are deprived of an activity that is necessary for their good ageing: social links.
Technical details & Operations
Bonjour Henry is a solution consisting of 2 products:
- A voice assistant dedicated to the elderly, which will allow them to simply send messages to their loved ones, to call them by video and to consult their agenda.
- An application – Henry-Care – dedicated to family caregivers, allowing them to enter events in a schedule that Henry will share vocally with the person being cared for.
Deployment & Impact
The solution is now deployed to 200 people in care houses for older people and at home. Since January 2022, the first results have shown that beneficiaries called their relatives 11 times more than with a standard smartphone and exchanged 17 times more messages, the content of which consisted mainly of photos and videos.